Why it is important for people to wear an Scalar Energy Pendant !
The bio-electrical current present in our bodies is often disturbed by external factors such as electro-magnetic waves emitted from computers, mobile phones, and many other modern day appliances. Lack of exercise, poor eating habits, poor nutrition, and internal stress further affect this bio-electrical current.
One of the side effects of these stresses is accumulation of lactic acid in the blood and concentrations of abnormally high levels of lactic acid in the muscles. This condition leads to a hindrance of muscle contraction and ultimately fatigue, aging and disease. Examples of how this commonly manifests in our bodies includes headaches, stiffness in shoulders and neck, lower back aches, digestive problems, tiredness, and joint pains. The Scalar Energized Pendants have been energized to emit a higher frequency of bio-energy back into the body thereby stimulating the cells to vibrate, oscillate more effectively.
Far-Infra red properties in the Pendants may then further assist with improving blood circulation an important precursor to good health. Every member of the family should be wearing the Energized Opal Pendants.
For adults the Pendant is more than just an Energized Pendant it is to be a daily reminder of the importance of making healthier choices throughout the day. Every time you wear the Pendant it should be reminder to eat healthier foods, to exercise regularly, to drink in moderation, and to treat one's body responsibly.
we firmly believe that children today around the world need to wear Energized Pendants to also help combat the effects of bad energies bombarding their bodies from watching TV, mobilephones, being in front of computers, playing video games, and spending less time in outdoor activities.
Never before has the world seen sicker children, children with higher rates of obesity and diabetes.
The Energized Pendants can be a powerful tool in educating children about healthier choices.