In today's fast-paced and ever challenging world, almost everybody is affected by stress to some degree. In some cases, stress kills, and it does so in more ways than making one drive off the road!
Being stressed can actually kill you slowly and can affect your skin, your waistline, your health and your happiness!
Chronic stress can wear down the body, leading to many physical symptoms including headaches, muscle tension (stiff shoulders), upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, racing heart and chest tightness, tiredness, sleep disorders, skin breakouts, etc.
Research has also shown that stress can aggravate illnesses, including heart diseases and cancer!
The Effects of Stress : -
1) Belly fat and weight gain
2) Wrinkles, dull complexion, skin problems and breakouts
3) Hair loss and oily scalp
4) Sleeplessness and lack of quality sleep
5) Accelerated ageing
6) Lowered body defenses and cancer
7) High blood pressure and cardiovascular problems
8) Bad effects on love life and marriage
9) Digestive disorders and poor nutrient absorption
10) Memory problem and poor concentration