Stress can cause you to have problems falling asleep, wake you up in the middle of the night, or prevent you from enjoying a deep restful sleep. Prolonged disturbed sleep can cause "insulin resistance", encouraging the body to store fat, increasing the risk of obesity.
A good night's rest is important not only for your waistline, but also for your skin, health, work performance and sanity.
It's during sleep that your body and mind rest, and rejuvenate themselves. Lack of sleep can dull the mind, cause foggy thinking and poor concentration. It's common to make more mistakes, and to behave more hastily when you lack of quality sleep.
Hair Problem And Stress
When you are stressed, your body produces more DHT which causes enlargement of sebaceous glands on the scalp, and overproduction of sebum. DHT is the main culprit behind hair loss or androgenic alopecia in both men and women. Stress retards hair re-growth, and also causes hair to move from its usual healthy growth phase into a 3-month resting phase, after which it falls out.
Reduce Stress To Reduce Skin Problems and Breakouts.

Stress is profoundly hazardous to your skin.
Stress effects to your skin :
1) It weakens your skin's protective barrier, causing skin dryness, flaking and coarseness
2) It makes your skin more vulnerable to environmental pollutants and harmful bacteria, causing skin disorders and infections, including eczema, atopic dermatitis, warts and psoriasis.
3) It can cause extra sensitivity due to histamines and inflammatory neuropeptide release.
4) Constant frowning and pouting can leave permanent fine lines and deep wrinkles on your face.
5) It reduces skin cell growth and cell turnover, resulting in the build up of dead skin cells and cause your complexion to appear blotchy and dull
6) It causes overactive sebaceous glands, resulting in extreme skin oiliness, whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and acne.
7) It can constrict or dilate blood vessels, causing your face to appear pale or flushed.8) Slows down wound healing leaving you with more significant scarring
The Effect Of Stress and SE Pendant
In today's fast-paced and ever challenging world, almost everybody is affected by stress to some degree. In some cases, stress kills, and it does so in more ways than making one drive off the road!
Being stressed can actually kill you slowly and can affect your skin, your waistline, your health and your happiness!
Chronic stress can wear down the body, leading to many physical symptoms including headaches, muscle tension (stiff shoulders), upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, racing heart and chest tightness, tiredness, sleep disorders, skin breakouts, etc.
Research has also shown that stress can aggravate illnesses, including heart diseases and cancer!
The Effects of Stress : -
1) Belly fat and weight gain
2) Wrinkles, dull complexion, skin problems and breakouts
3) Hair loss and oily scalp
4) Sleeplessness and lack of quality sleep
5) Accelerated ageing
6) Lowered body defenses and cancer
7) High blood pressure and cardiovascular problems
8) Bad effects on love life and marriage
9) Digestive disorders and poor nutrient absorption
10) Memory problem and poor concentration
Being stressed can actually kill you slowly and can affect your skin, your waistline, your health and your happiness!
Chronic stress can wear down the body, leading to many physical symptoms including headaches, muscle tension (stiff shoulders), upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, racing heart and chest tightness, tiredness, sleep disorders, skin breakouts, etc.
Research has also shown that stress can aggravate illnesses, including heart diseases and cancer!
The Effects of Stress : -
1) Belly fat and weight gain
2) Wrinkles, dull complexion, skin problems and breakouts
3) Hair loss and oily scalp
4) Sleeplessness and lack of quality sleep
5) Accelerated ageing
6) Lowered body defenses and cancer
7) High blood pressure and cardiovascular problems
8) Bad effects on love life and marriage
9) Digestive disorders and poor nutrient absorption
10) Memory problem and poor concentration
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1. What is Energy?
A .Energy is a capacity to perform work. All life and power are energy.
2. What is Scalar Energy?
A. Scalar energy is a subtle energy that can be harness to produce healing energy frequencies that can pass through while experimenting with violently abrupt direct current electrical Charges.
Scalar Energy has exited since beginning of time.
Its existence was first proposed in a series of 4 equations by Scottish Mathematician James Clark Maxwell in the mid 1800’s.
Nicole Tesla demonstrated the existence of Scalar Energy to wards the end of the 19th century.
It was only recently the science was able to positively demonstrate the existence of ScalarEnergy, explore and harness it for health purposes.
3. What are the differences between Light energy, Sound energy, Heat energy, Magnetic energy, with Scalar Energy?
A. Scalar Energy
1. Spread around to fill the environment.
2. Able to pass though solid without loss of intensity.
3. Can continuously regenerate the frequency of Scalar Energy.
4. The effects of Scalar Energy are cumulative and stronger from time to time.
5. Able to imprint in human DNA.
OTHER energy
1. Spread in one line only.
2. Some Energy cannot pass through and some can but will loss of intensity.
2. Some Energy cannot pass through and some can but will loss of intensity.
3. Must have supplier in order to continuously produce energy.
4. The effects will disappearance from time to time.
5. Unable to imprint in human DNA.
4. Where does the Scalar Energy come from?
A.The Technology comes from Korea.
5. What demo can we make to prove that the products contain Scalar Energy?
A. Example: Pen on products Demo, Cigarette and Coffee or Tea on product Demo. Flexibility Demo, Stability Demo, Balancing Demo, Strength Demo.
6. How do we know products contain Scalar Energy?
A. The water molecule become smaller by putting it on the Scalar Energy product after awhile.
- The cigarette will become tasteless by putting it on the Scalar Energy product after awhile.
- Improving the taste of coffee and tea by putting it on the Scalar Energy product after awhile.
7. How do you embed the Scalar Energy into the products?
A. Product sent to Korea to embeds the Scalar Energy by using Permanence - Scalar Energy Technology. (PSE)
8. What is man made frequency?
A. Man made frequency are the frequencies that cause by human. For instance, Radiation from electrical item.
9. What are the main frequencies that are embedded in products?
A. The main frequencies that are embedded in out product are
- 8 Hz (Alpha Energy)
- 12 Hz (Theta Energy).
These two core frequencies are amongst the most beneficial to the human body.
10. How does Scalar Energy function?
A. Eliminates the negative effects level of man-made frequencies/radioactive. (Like: TV, cell-phone, electric cable and computer).
- Scalar energy frequency will neutralize man-made frequencies to harmless frequencies to human.
- Increasing every cell energy level to 70-90 mini volts. (70-90 mini volts are the healthy cell in our body).
- Relive fatigue and tiredness.
- Scalar Energy will help to energize our cell back to healthy state and retain the electrical charges, thus we will feel less fatigue, tiredness and rigidity after work.
- Protect cell’s DNA from damage and prevent cancer cell.
1. DNA’s particles are connecting with each other by hydrogen bonds. When hydrogen bonds of DNA damage, some of the DNA’s particles will loose out and become cancer cells.
2. Scalar Energy is able to imprint in human DNA, and protect hydrogen bond from damage by increasing its energy.
- Enhance detoxification and nutrient intake process.(Like sugar-diabetes, cholesterol, oil,-hypertension, toxin.)
- Enhance system absorb of vitamin from foods and drink and increasing system detoxification of chemicals of food and drinks.
- When cell is running detoxification and nutrient uptake process, it needs to go through cell wall. The higher the cell wall permeability, the easier the detoxification and nutrient intake process function.We will become healthier when a cell intake enough nutrient and detoxify all waste from cell.
- Strengthen body immune system.
1. When the cell gets enough energy (70-90 mini volts), detoxify and nutrient intake process is functioning at best state, the cell will become healthy cells. When cell are healthy, they are able to fight against the bacteria in our body. Directly our body immune system is strengthening.
- Cleanses the blood and improve blood profile.
- Improve mental focus and helps to regulate bloods pressure.
- Scalar Energy can cleanse the blood, improve chylomicron. (Protein / fat particles suspended in the blood). When blood is clean and chylomicron and triglyceride profile is good level, the blood level flow will more than fluent, this will help regulate the blood pressure.
- Strengthens immune function up to 149%.
- Exerts anti-depression effects by inhibiting the re intake of noradrenalin.
- Prevents or reverses cancer cells.
11. Will Scalar Energy products dissipate over time?
A. Scalar Energy that is embedded in products can regenerate overtime.
Therefore, from time to time, the effects of Scalar Energy will accumulate and become Stronger.
Why It Is Important For The People To Wear The Scalar Energy Pendant !
Why it is important for people to wear an Scalar Energy Pendant !
The bio-electrical current present in our bodies is often disturbed by external factors such as electro-magnetic waves emitted from computers, mobile phones, and many other modern day appliances. Lack of exercise, poor eating habits, poor nutrition, and internal stress further affect this bio-electrical current.
One of the side effects of these stresses is accumulation of lactic acid in the blood and concentrations of abnormally high levels of lactic acid in the muscles. This condition leads to a hindrance of muscle contraction and ultimately fatigue, aging and disease. Examples of how this commonly manifests in our bodies includes headaches, stiffness in shoulders and neck, lower back aches, digestive problems, tiredness, and joint pains. The Scalar Energized Pendants have been energized to emit a higher frequency of bio-energy back into the body thereby stimulating the cells to vibrate, oscillate more effectively.
Far-Infra red properties in the Pendants may then further assist with improving blood circulation an important precursor to good health. Every member of the family should be wearing the Energized Opal Pendants.
For adults the Pendant is more than just an Energized Pendant it is to be a daily reminder of the importance of making healthier choices throughout the day. Every time you wear the Pendant it should be reminder to eat healthier foods, to exercise regularly, to drink in moderation, and to treat one's body responsibly.
we firmly believe that children today around the world need to wear Energized Pendants to also help combat the effects of bad energies bombarding their bodies from watching TV, mobilephones, being in front of computers, playing video games, and spending less time in outdoor activities.
Never before has the world seen sicker children, children with higher rates of obesity and diabetes.
The Energized Pendants can be a powerful tool in educating children about healthier choices.
The bio-electrical current present in our bodies is often disturbed by external factors such as electro-magnetic waves emitted from computers, mobile phones, and many other modern day appliances. Lack of exercise, poor eating habits, poor nutrition, and internal stress further affect this bio-electrical current.
One of the side effects of these stresses is accumulation of lactic acid in the blood and concentrations of abnormally high levels of lactic acid in the muscles. This condition leads to a hindrance of muscle contraction and ultimately fatigue, aging and disease. Examples of how this commonly manifests in our bodies includes headaches, stiffness in shoulders and neck, lower back aches, digestive problems, tiredness, and joint pains. The Scalar Energized Pendants have been energized to emit a higher frequency of bio-energy back into the body thereby stimulating the cells to vibrate, oscillate more effectively.
Far-Infra red properties in the Pendants may then further assist with improving blood circulation an important precursor to good health. Every member of the family should be wearing the Energized Opal Pendants.
For adults the Pendant is more than just an Energized Pendant it is to be a daily reminder of the importance of making healthier choices throughout the day. Every time you wear the Pendant it should be reminder to eat healthier foods, to exercise regularly, to drink in moderation, and to treat one's body responsibly.
we firmly believe that children today around the world need to wear Energized Pendants to also help combat the effects of bad energies bombarding their bodies from watching TV, mobilephones, being in front of computers, playing video games, and spending less time in outdoor activities.
Never before has the world seen sicker children, children with higher rates of obesity and diabetes.
The Energized Pendants can be a powerful tool in educating children about healthier choices.
Scalar Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine ; What is it?Energy Medicine was known and practiced by almost all of the great ancient civilizations and is now being newly rediscovered by the West. Energy medicine is both a complement to other systems of medical care and, in itself, a complete system for self-care and self-help. It can address physical illness and emotional disorders, and it can also promote wellness and peak performance. Energy Medicine is both an independent approach to self-care and complementary to medical care. A key concept in energy medicine is that the words "diagnosis" and "treatment" have a different meaning than they do in conventional medicine. In conventional medicine you diagnose and treat an illness. In energy medicine, you assess where the energy system needs attention and correct the energy disturbances. Why Use Energy Medicine?Energy Medicine stimulates healing the body, mind and spirit in a natural & balanced way. When Energy healing occurs many levels of the body are affected and healing can proceed in a healthy and supportive way. TWO WAYS ENERGY MEDICINE CAN HELP There are TWO LEVELS where energy medicine might make a difference with a health condition:1. THE FIRST has to do with getting your body's energies into a good flow, harmony, and balance. While not focusing on your health issue directly, this can create within your body an energetic environment that supports your overall health, vitality, and healing.2. THE SECOND LEVEL by which energy medicine might make a difference with a health concern involves an assessment of your body's energies and the ways they are related to the condition.Energy Medicine is bringing a new dimension and new tools to the world and is fast gathering interest and support. Millions of people worldwide are turning to complimentary medicine to find ways to prevent illness and improve their health. Energy Medicine provides a FRESH EXCITING approach to HEALTH, incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine, Micro-Nutrition, and Technology.
Paul Zane Pilzer in his book, the "Wellness Revolution", predicts that sales in preventative health will increase to over USD$1 Trillion over the next 3-5 years with a growth of over 300%.
Paul Zane Pilzer in his book, the "Wellness Revolution", predicts that sales in preventative health will increase to over USD$1 Trillion over the next 3-5 years with a growth of over 300%.
Improving Circulation & Balancing the Body's Bio-Energy Fields

Improving Circulation & Balancing the Body's Bio-Energy Fields
Our bodies are made of energy.To achieve and maintain vibrant health, we must protect our energy's frequency and flow (or circulation) throughout the body.
The principles of energy medicine originate from quantum physics. Everything in the universe is made of energy. Like all matter, the human body is not just made up of physical and chemical structures; it also has subtle energy fields known as bio-energy. We continuously radiate, absorb and conduct frequency waves of energy. Bio-energy is crucial to life and is sometimes called "the biofield", "vital energy", "aura", "Qi" (Chinese), "Prana" (Indian), "Mana" (Polynesian), "Barraka" (Islamic), "Ki" (Japanese), etc. To attain and maintain vibrant health, we must protect vital bio-energy. It must be free-flowing, and in perfect vibration or frequency.
Unfortunately, many factors such as stress, pollution, sedentary lifestyle, poor water quality, poor diet, and increasing radiation from electromagnetic waves (mobile phones, radio, computers, television, microwave ovens, wireless networks, etc.), can weaken the body's bio-energy or disrupt its flow and circulation.
FIR: Improves Circulation & Energises Body Fluid
The total length of the blood vessels in the human body is 60,000km! Imagine blood has to travel that distance every 1-2 minutes to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all your cells and to remove waste material from them. Numerous studies have shown that FIR dilates capillary vessels, thus facilitating blood circulation for better oxygen and nutrient delivery, and for more effective toxin removal.
Some toxic gases, including carbon dioxide, or heavy metals like mercury and chlorine are easily trapped in large water clusters in the body. FIR causes the water molecules to vibrate, resulting in the breakdown of their cluster size. Consequently, trapped toxic waste gases and other toxic materials are released, and ultimately flushed out of the body. Together with the improved circulation, reduced water cluster size helps to improve cellular function, giving you better energy and vitality.
Scalar Energy: Strengthens & Restores Balance to the Body's Bio-Energy
First discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, and proven by Nikola Tesla, scalar energy existence is also acknowledged by Nobel Prize winner, Albert Einstein. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute, Germany , found that scalar energy unclumps and activates living cells. Scalar energy also increases cellular energy for trillions of cells and overall body energy levels, and nullifies the harmful effects of man made frequencies. Together, this helps to balance and strengthen the body's bio-energy.
Germanium: Facilitates the Conductivity & Flow of Bio-Energy
Since 1858, in Lourdes , a small town in south-western France , many people have claimed that aches, pains and illness miraculously disappeared after dipping into a spring, now known as the famous "Holy Spring of Lourdes". Scientists have attributed the spring's healing properties to its high content of Germanium.One of the most fundamental properties of Germanium is its semi-conductivity, i.e. its ability to donate and receive electrons easily. Many of Germanium's healing properties may be due to this intrinsic electronic quality. Coupled with its ability to neutralise the effects of positive ions that can impede the smooth flow of energy, Germanium is able to facilitate the flow of the body's bio-energy, hence, increasing energy levels, and relieving pain and stiffness.
Negative Ions: Invigorate & Refresh the Mind & Body
Ever wondered why the air feels more invigorating and you feel fresher when you are at a waterfall or in the mountains? This is due to the abundance of "feel good" negative ions in the air. Research has confirmed the beneficial effects of negative ions on living things - plants grow faster and healthier, animals are calmer and perform tasks better, and humans become less stressed and more alert.
Negative ions have been found to facilitate the delivery of oxygen to cells, which stimulate bodily functions and rejuvenation. They also increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. Studies have also shown that negative ions help to lift mood, alleviate depression and stimulate the body's reticuloendothelial system: a group of defense cells in our bodies that marshal our resistance to disease.
Unfortunately, air-conditioning, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, fluorescent lighting, cellular phones, electrical and electronic equipment, TV and computer screens - all adversely deplete negative ions from our surroundings and increase positive ions.
Our bodies are made of energy.To achieve and maintain vibrant health, we must protect our energy's frequency and flow (or circulation) throughout the body.
The principles of energy medicine originate from quantum physics. Everything in the universe is made of energy. Like all matter, the human body is not just made up of physical and chemical structures; it also has subtle energy fields known as bio-energy. We continuously radiate, absorb and conduct frequency waves of energy. Bio-energy is crucial to life and is sometimes called "the biofield", "vital energy", "aura", "Qi" (Chinese), "Prana" (Indian), "Mana" (Polynesian), "Barraka" (Islamic), "Ki" (Japanese), etc. To attain and maintain vibrant health, we must protect vital bio-energy. It must be free-flowing, and in perfect vibration or frequency.
Unfortunately, many factors such as stress, pollution, sedentary lifestyle, poor water quality, poor diet, and increasing radiation from electromagnetic waves (mobile phones, radio, computers, television, microwave ovens, wireless networks, etc.), can weaken the body's bio-energy or disrupt its flow and circulation.
FIR: Improves Circulation & Energises Body Fluid
The total length of the blood vessels in the human body is 60,000km! Imagine blood has to travel that distance every 1-2 minutes to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all your cells and to remove waste material from them. Numerous studies have shown that FIR dilates capillary vessels, thus facilitating blood circulation for better oxygen and nutrient delivery, and for more effective toxin removal.
Some toxic gases, including carbon dioxide, or heavy metals like mercury and chlorine are easily trapped in large water clusters in the body. FIR causes the water molecules to vibrate, resulting in the breakdown of their cluster size. Consequently, trapped toxic waste gases and other toxic materials are released, and ultimately flushed out of the body. Together with the improved circulation, reduced water cluster size helps to improve cellular function, giving you better energy and vitality.
Scalar Energy: Strengthens & Restores Balance to the Body's Bio-Energy
First discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, and proven by Nikola Tesla, scalar energy existence is also acknowledged by Nobel Prize winner, Albert Einstein. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute, Germany , found that scalar energy unclumps and activates living cells. Scalar energy also increases cellular energy for trillions of cells and overall body energy levels, and nullifies the harmful effects of man made frequencies. Together, this helps to balance and strengthen the body's bio-energy.
Germanium: Facilitates the Conductivity & Flow of Bio-Energy
Since 1858, in Lourdes , a small town in south-western France , many people have claimed that aches, pains and illness miraculously disappeared after dipping into a spring, now known as the famous "Holy Spring of Lourdes". Scientists have attributed the spring's healing properties to its high content of Germanium.One of the most fundamental properties of Germanium is its semi-conductivity, i.e. its ability to donate and receive electrons easily. Many of Germanium's healing properties may be due to this intrinsic electronic quality. Coupled with its ability to neutralise the effects of positive ions that can impede the smooth flow of energy, Germanium is able to facilitate the flow of the body's bio-energy, hence, increasing energy levels, and relieving pain and stiffness.
Negative Ions: Invigorate & Refresh the Mind & Body
Ever wondered why the air feels more invigorating and you feel fresher when you are at a waterfall or in the mountains? This is due to the abundance of "feel good" negative ions in the air. Research has confirmed the beneficial effects of negative ions on living things - plants grow faster and healthier, animals are calmer and perform tasks better, and humans become less stressed and more alert.
Negative ions have been found to facilitate the delivery of oxygen to cells, which stimulate bodily functions and rejuvenation. They also increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy. Studies have also shown that negative ions help to lift mood, alleviate depression and stimulate the body's reticuloendothelial system: a group of defense cells in our bodies that marshal our resistance to disease.
Unfortunately, air-conditioning, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, fluorescent lighting, cellular phones, electrical and electronic equipment, TV and computer screens - all adversely deplete negative ions from our surroundings and increase positive ions.
Energy Therapy
Energy Therapy:
Improves blood circulation
Improves metabolism and detoxification, to help maintain a slim and slender figure
Improves the efficiency of nutrient and oxygen delivery into body cells
Improves stamina, endurance and strength
Alleviate soreness, aches and pains, and improves flexibility
Calms the mind and improves focus and concentration
Energises blood cells and reduces their stickiness
Strengthens their bio-energy fields to protect you from harmful electromagnetic waves
Restores balance and harmony to the body
Energy accessories can help turn the water in your body into healthy, energised, small-clustered water
Energy accessories do more than just break down the water molecules in drinking water. When you wear one, it helps to restructure the water in your body so that smaller clusters can more effectively energise the body.
Energising the Body & Prolonging Youthfulness for Better Health & Robust Energy
The human body is approximately 70% water by weight, so the quality of water in our bodies really matters! Small clustered and energised water can be instantly absorbed by the body to hydrate your cells, making you feel better, younger and more vigorous.
Since “dehydration” is linked to various ailments, including acne, fuzzy memory, indigestion, arthritis, obesity and even more serious conditions like heart problems, hypertension, etc, rehydrating the body is essential for improving health.
When we are young, the trillions of cells in our bodies are filled with small clustered and hexagonal-shaped water. These tiny clusters of water pass easily through cell membranes, carrying nutrients and oxygen into cells, and waste and toxins out. This easy passage of water molecules in and out of our cells is what keeps the cells clean, young and healthy.
However, after years of drinking “dead” water and being exposed to stress and pollution, the clusters of water molecules in our bodies get distorted and become large, thus hampering their movement across cell membranes. This cause cells to be deprived of oxygen and nutrients, and waste to accumulate in the cells. The body becomes more toxic and more dehydrated. Metabolism plummets and energy levels decline more and more as we age.
Improves blood circulation
Improves metabolism and detoxification, to help maintain a slim and slender figure
Improves the efficiency of nutrient and oxygen delivery into body cells
Improves stamina, endurance and strength
Alleviate soreness, aches and pains, and improves flexibility
Calms the mind and improves focus and concentration
Energises blood cells and reduces their stickiness
Strengthens their bio-energy fields to protect you from harmful electromagnetic waves
Restores balance and harmony to the body
Energy accessories can help turn the water in your body into healthy, energised, small-clustered water
Energy accessories do more than just break down the water molecules in drinking water. When you wear one, it helps to restructure the water in your body so that smaller clusters can more effectively energise the body.
Energising the Body & Prolonging Youthfulness for Better Health & Robust Energy
The human body is approximately 70% water by weight, so the quality of water in our bodies really matters! Small clustered and energised water can be instantly absorbed by the body to hydrate your cells, making you feel better, younger and more vigorous.
Since “dehydration” is linked to various ailments, including acne, fuzzy memory, indigestion, arthritis, obesity and even more serious conditions like heart problems, hypertension, etc, rehydrating the body is essential for improving health.
When we are young, the trillions of cells in our bodies are filled with small clustered and hexagonal-shaped water. These tiny clusters of water pass easily through cell membranes, carrying nutrients and oxygen into cells, and waste and toxins out. This easy passage of water molecules in and out of our cells is what keeps the cells clean, young and healthy.
However, after years of drinking “dead” water and being exposed to stress and pollution, the clusters of water molecules in our bodies get distorted and become large, thus hampering their movement across cell membranes. This cause cells to be deprived of oxygen and nutrients, and waste to accumulate in the cells. The body becomes more toxic and more dehydrated. Metabolism plummets and energy levels decline more and more as we age.
Pendant Clincal studies

Clinical Studies
Some clinical evidence on SE Pendant characteristics:
The SE Pendant is tested to emit FIR, scalar energy and negative ions, and contain Germanium 99.999%. Certified by reputable bodies, including Korean Infrared Association (KFIA/KIFA), Ajou University , Korea and SGS.
Some clinical evidence on SE Pendant characteristics:
The SE Pendant is tested to emit FIR, scalar energy and negative ions, and contain Germanium 99.999%. Certified by reputable bodies, including Korean Infrared Association (KFIA/KIFA), Ajou University , Korea and SGS.
Emits approximately 92% of FIR energy
Radiates Scalar Energy
Contians Germanuim 99.999%
Certificated by Ajou University
Diffuses the harmful effects of moving underground water veins that can disrupt sound sleep & health; balances the body's 5 elements; protects against harmful electromagnetic wave.
Improves blood circulation
Energises blood cells & reduces"stickiness"
Calms the mind & improves focus / concentration
Radiates Scalar Energy
Contians Germanuim 99.999%
Certificated by Ajou University
Diffuses the harmful effects of moving underground water veins that can disrupt sound sleep & health; balances the body's 5 elements; protects against harmful electromagnetic wave.
Improves blood circulation
Energises blood cells & reduces"stickiness"
Calms the mind & improves focus / concentration
Balance Test

Balance Test
Balance yourself on one leg, and lift both arms to the side at a 90 ° angle to the body. Get a friend to try tipping your balance by pressing down on either arm, while you attempt to keep your balance. Repeat this test wearing an energy accessory. You will notice that you are better able to keep your balance while wearing a good energy accessory.
Balance yourself on one leg, and lift both arms to the side at a 90 ° angle to the body. Get a friend to try tipping your balance by pressing down on either arm, while you attempt to keep your balance. Repeat this test wearing an energy accessory. You will notice that you are better able to keep your balance while wearing a good energy accessory.
Strength Test

Strength Test Stand straight with both legs slightly apart. Place both hands straight behind your back with fingers in an interlocking position. Get a friend to press down on your interlocked fingers as you resist with all your strength. Repeat the test wearing an energy accessory. With a good energy accessory, you'll be more flexible, and able to resist better and be stronger.
How To Tell If Your Energy Accessory Works

How To Tell If Your Energy Accessory Works
Wear an energy accessory around the neck or place it on the affected body area (knee, back, shoulder, ankle, etc.) to relieve stiffness or soreness.
Try the following tests and be amazed at how wearing an Energy Accessory can improve your flexibility, strength and balance!
Flexibility Tests
Wear an energy accessory around the neck or place it on the affected body area (knee, back, shoulder, ankle, etc.) to relieve stiffness or soreness.
Try the following tests and be amazed at how wearing an Energy Accessory can improve your flexibility, strength and balance!
Flexibility Tests
Stand straight with both legs slightly apart. Extend your right arm in front of you, 90 ° perpendicular to your body, while making a fist with your thumb pointing away from you. Slowly turn your upper body in a clockwise position as far back as you can reach. Note the farthest position you can reach. Repeat the test wearing an energy accessory. With a good energy accessory, you'll be more flexible, and able to bend further.
• Stand straight with both legs slightly apart. Slowly bend over, reaching as far down as you can to touch your toes. Repeat the test wearing an energy accessory. With a good energy accessory, you'll be more flexible, and able to resist better and be stronger.
Strength Test Stand straight with both legs slightly apart. Place both hands straight behind your back with fingers in an interlocking position. Get a friend to press down on your interlocked fingers as you resist with all your strength. Repeat the test wearing an energy accessory. With a good energy accessory, you'll be more flexible, and able to resist better and be stronger.
More Tests to Prove the Existence of Subtle Energy in Energy Accessories
More Tests to Prove the Existence of Subtle Energy in Energy Accessories
Lemon tastes less sour!
Slice a lemon. Place one slice on a thin plate with an energy accessory underneath. Place another slice on a plate without an energy accessory, keeping it at least three feet from the other plate. Set them aside for 20-30 minutes. Taste and compare the treated and untreated lemon slices. The treated lemon should taste significantly less sour. This proves that even without being in actual contact with the lemon, the energy in the accessory changed the molecules in the lemon. Repeat with liquor, soy sauce, salt, and cigarettes! You'll be amazed that they taste or smell different.
Lemon tastes less sour!
Slice a lemon. Place one slice on a thin plate with an energy accessory underneath. Place another slice on a plate without an energy accessory, keeping it at least three feet from the other plate. Set them aside for 20-30 minutes. Taste and compare the treated and untreated lemon slices. The treated lemon should taste significantly less sour. This proves that even without being in actual contact with the lemon, the energy in the accessory changed the molecules in the lemon. Repeat with liquor, soy sauce, salt, and cigarettes! You'll be amazed that they taste or smell different.
Not All Energy Accessories Are Equal

Not All Energy Accessories Are EqualA good energy accessory makes ice melt faster!
There are many energy accessories on the market. How can you tell which ones are better? Here's a simple test: To compare, place one ice cube on top of each energy accessory. The ice cube on top of a good energy accessory will melt faster. This shows that energy from the acessory is actually able to activate the molecules in the water.
There are many energy accessories on the market. How can you tell which ones are better? Here's a simple test: To compare, place one ice cube on top of each energy accessory. The ice cube on top of a good energy accessory will melt faster. This shows that energy from the acessory is actually able to activate the molecules in the water.
decorated SE Pendants

Every single family member can benefit from an SE Pendant!
Transform Your SE Pendant Into Decorative Jewellery
Decorate your SE Pendant using your favourite colours or match your favourite outfit.
Decorate multiple SE Pendants for a bigger style variety!
Create casual, quirky or even formal accessories - your creativity is your only limit!
Transform Your SE Pendant Into Decorative Jewellery
Decorate your SE Pendant using your favourite colours or match your favourite outfit.
Decorate multiple SE Pendants for a bigger style variety!
Create casual, quirky or even formal accessories - your creativity is your only limit!
Pendant Uses
Pendant Uses
Pendant Uses
Pendant USE
You Can Use The SE Pendant
energy accessory that helps improve blood circulation and energy levels for a healthier you.

the SE Pendant acts as an energy accessory that helps improve blood circulation and energy levels for a healthier you.
Energy accessories have long been used by millions of people around the world to help with certain health conditions.
Energy accessories have long been used by millions of people around the world to help with certain health conditions.
Made using a highly advanced nanotechnology process and natural minerals that are structurally bonded together at the molecular level, the SE Pendant is designed to restore balance and harmony to your body.
Wear the SE Pendant around your neck, or place it on any painful or stressed area!
Wear the SE Pendant around your neck, or place it on any painful or stressed area!
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